April 13 1975

The Looming Presence of April 13

Machiavelli said it, yet any sailboat owner will confirm it: “One can initiate a war (or set sail) at will, but concluding it whenever desired is not always within reach,” nor is returning to port. The Lebanese Civil War, ignited on April 13, 1975, evidently lingers unresolved. Following the incidents in Tayouneh (October 14, 2021) and ...

Editorial – April 13, 1975: A Tipping Point

April 13, 1975, will be forever ingrained in the collective memory of the Lebanese people (at least those of a ‘certain age,’) as the outbreak of the never-ending Lebanese war. However, this perception is somewhat biased, as April 13 was more accurately a tipping point (rather than the onset) of a profound and chronic existential crisis. ...